Unlocking a 70% Engagement Boost: OTP Bank's Success with InAppStory
Case study

Unlocking a 70% Engagement Boost: OTP Bank's Success with InAppStory

Unlocking a 70% Engagement Boost: OTP Bank's Success with InAppStory
Egor Prudnikov
Author @ InAppStory


OTP Bank, a leading international banking group with a presence across Europe, is committed to providing its customers with a seamless and informative banking experience. However, effectively communicating with a diverse customer base and fostering trust in a competitive market presented significant challenges.


Challenges Faced by OTP Bank in Customer Communication


OTP Bank, despite being an established international player, faces several hurdles when it comes to effectively communicating with its customer base. Here's a deeper dive into these challenges:

  • Educating a Diverse Customer Base: OTP Bank boasts a wide range of financial products and services catering to various needs, from basic checking accounts to complex investment opportunities. Simplifying this information and presenting it in a digestible way for customers with varying financial literacy levels is essential.
  • Building Trust in a Competitive Market: One of the primary challenges OTP Bank faces is establishing trust with customers in markets where local competitors are already well-established. This requires OTP Bank to effectively communicate its reliability and expertise in the financial sector to win over customers who may have longstanding relationships with other banks.
  • Maintaining Consistent Day-to-Day Communication: Customers are bombarded with information daily. OTP Bank needs to find ways to cut through the noise and deliver critical information about account updates, fraud alerts, and new offerings in a way that is timely, relevant, and engaging. 


OTP Bank's Stories Strategy: Addressing Challenges and Reaping Benefits


OTP Bank recognized the need to overcome communication hurdles and adopted Stories within their mobile app as a strategic solution. This innovative approach addresses the challenges mentioned earlier and offers several significant benefits:


Educating Customers through Application Guides




Stories served as an excellent platform to guide users through the functionalities of the OTP Bank app. By creating concise and visually appealing Stories, OTP Bank effectively demonstrated how to navigate the app and utilize its various services. These Stories highlighted key features such as transferring funds, checking account balances, and exploring investment options, making it easier for customers to understand and use the app to its fullest potential.


Building Trust with Customers




OTP Bank leveraged the Stories format to establish itself as an expert in the financial sector. By consistently sharing clear, expert advice and practical financial tips through Stories, the bank showcased its deep knowledge and reliability. Additionally, Stories provided a transparent view of fees and charges, breaking down complex information into easily understandable visuals and explanations. This approach not only demystified banking processes but also fostered trust among customers by emphasizing OTP Bank's commitment to transparency and expertise.


Promoting Bank Services and Products




The Stories format was particularly effective for promoting OTP Bank’s diverse range of services and products. Through engaging and informative content, Stories onboarded customers to new services such as premium accounts, loans, and cashbacks. 


By showcasing the benefits and steps to access these services, Stories helped in converting curious viewers into active users, thereby driving up the adoption rate of new products.


Providing Entertaining Lifestyle Content




Beyond banking services, OTP Bank utilized Stories to share lifestyle content that resonated with their customers. This included tips on financial wellness, engaging contests, and giveaways where customers could participate and win prizes. 

These contests not only entertained but also helped in promoting the brand and building a community around it. By offering a mix of entertaining and informative content, OTP Bank kept their audience engaged and connected to the brand on a more personal level.


Interactive Content for Insight Collection




One of the standout features of Stories was their interactive nature. OTP Bank leveraged interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and feedback widgets within their Stories. This not only made the content more engaging but also served as a valuable tool for gathering customer insights. 


The data collected from these interactions helped OTP Bank understand customer preferences and pain points, enabling them to tailor their services and communication more effectively.







OTP Bank is a successful case study of how a bank can use Stories to improve its communication with customers. The bank has seen a number of benefits from using Stories, including increased engagement, improved customer satisfaction, and increased sales. OTP Bank's experience shows that Stories is a valuable tool for banks that are looking to improve their communication with their customers.


The success of  Bank's Stories strategy is quantifiable. Here are some key metrics that saw significant improvement after implementation:

  • Increased Customer Engagement: Over 2 million Stories are viewed each month, showing a significant shift in customer attention towards the bank's communication through Stories.
  • High User Engagement: Up to 70% of users engage with Stories, demonstrating strong interaction with the content.
  • Converson Rate from Stories to Product Applications: The click-through rate (CTR) on educational Stories is 7%, indicating a rise in customer understanding and interest in exploring new offerings.