Connect team members with devoted fans
directly through your app

InAppStory brings Team Spirit to fan’s mobile experience online and provides a powerful no-code solution
to engage users via Stories in any sports app.

Why Stories in a sports app?

of sports fans use a mobile app to consume
sports-related content
of sports fans love consuming player life-content. It has kept fans regularly coming back for more.
of sports fans make use of sports app daily

Why Stories in a sports app?

  • 64%
    of sports fans use a mobile app to consume
    sports-related content
  • 49%
    of sports fans love consuming player life-content. It has kept fans regularly coming back for more.
  • 56%
    of sports fans make use of sports app daily
Usage of Stories in sport apps

Promote ticket offers and discounts

Encourage users to make purchases in sports apps. Display one-click tickets or product Stories to improve your chances to trigger the intended action. Make it even easier with our additional features: product tags, swipe-ups, and customizable CTA buttons.
Onboarding screens via Stories
Onboarding screens via Stories

Promote ticket offers and discounts

Encourage users to make purchases in sports apps. Display one-click tickets or product Stories to improve your chances to trigger the intended action. Make it even easier with our additional features: product tags, swipe-ups, and customizable CTA buttons.
Interactive onboarding

Connect team players with fans effectively via your app

Make an authentic connection between sports fans and their favorite players in your sports app while creating an upcoming excitement. с
Onboarding screens via Stories

Connect team players with fans effectively via your app

Make an authentic connection between sports fans and their favorite players in your sports app while creating an upcoming excitement. Increase interaction and engagement levels among your audience.

Gamify your app experience like never before

Provide mobile app users with more ways to enjoy content wherever, whenever, and however they want. Engage users with the help of Interesting quiz / contest offers motivation / answers questions directly in mobile app stories.
Personalized onboarding
Onboarding screens via Stories

Gamify your app experience like never before

Provide mobile app users with more ways to enjoy content wherever, whenever, and however they want. Engage users with the help of Interesting quiz / contest offers motivation / answers questions directly in mobile app stories.
Interactive onboarding

Personalize your audience offers

Find a unique approach to the client by analyzing activities to anchor users the most. Use a form of feedback when users can express their satisfaction with a certain service/new feature in an interactive form. Can also be used for quick evaluation of NPS.
Onboarding screens via Stories

Personalize your audience offers

Find a unique approach to the client by analyzing activities to anchor users the most. Use a form of feedback when users can express their satisfaction with a certain service/new feature in an interactive form. Can also be used for quick evaluation of NPS.
Onboarding techniques or types of app onboarding

Set up
all types of content
in your sport app in two clicks
and zero code

Onboarding techniques or types of app onboarding

Set up all types of content in your sport app

in two clicks and zero coding

How to start with Stories in three simple steps?

Request a personalized application demo
Have a quick call to try all the mobile Stories console capabilities. Learn how to launch Stories directly for your sport apps while getting tips and suggestions on how to improve your primary product metrics.
Integrate SDK
Select a fitting plan depending on the MAU or DAU of your sports application. Integrate the SDK into your digital product. With a simple step like that, you are ready to launch a sports campaign anytime now!
Launch your first Stories
Publish Stories carousel or use in-app Stories!

How to start with Stories in three simple steps?

  • Request a personalized application demo
    Have a quick call to try all the mobile Stories console capabilities. Learn how to launch Stories directly for your sport apps while getting tips and suggestions on how to improve your primary product metrics.
  • Integrate SDK
    Select a fitting plan depending on the MAU or DAU of your sports application. Integrate the SDK into your digital product. With a simple step like that, you are ready to launch a sports campaign anytime now!
  • Launch your first Stories
    Publish Stories carousel or use in-app Stories!
Here’s what our clients say about Stories features!

Engage and interact with your audience
in the sports app proactively

Engagement rate and better conversions are the №1 reasons
to use Stories in a sports segment.