Encourage mobile users to shop more in your food app!

How the world orders food is changing dramatically. Today customers have numerous food mobile applications available to install. This presents a considerable challenge for growth marketers. In-app Stories align seamlessly with omnichannel strategies, encouraging users to remain engaged for longer periods and enhancing sales activity.
Why food apps need Stories
Grocery and food tech brands can advance if true omnichannel strategy is implemented. In-app Stories play a vital role in effective in-product messaging.
  • >7
    food mobile apps compete for user engagement at any given time
  • 21%
    of newcomers stay with the app after a 30 day period
  • 30%
    uplift in retention evidenced in case of omnichannel approach to messaging

Promote digital ordering

After installing the app, customers should be guided through a warm and effective onboarding process to encourage their initial digital orders. Stories are efficient in achieving this goal, thanks to their captivating full-screen format. You can utilize them to promote selected products or showcase welcoming incentives, such as free delivery or promo codes.
Onboarding screens via Stories
Onboarding screens via Stories

Promote digital ordering

After installing the app, customers should be guided through a warm and effective onboarding process to encourage their initial digital orders. Stories are efficient in achieving this goal, thanks to their captivating full-screen format. You can utilize them to promote selected products or showcase welcoming incentives, such as free delivery or promo codes.
Interactive onboarding

Deliver offers that resonates with users

Personalize every offer and deal you want to provide to your audience. You can easily segment your customers and deliver targeted experience for each group starting from Name up to Personal Offer. The more you understand your users, the greater the potential for achieving higher clickthrough rates. Use Stories to maximize the benefits of your knowledge about your customer base.
Interactive onboarding

Deliver offers that resonates with users

Personalize every offer and deal you want to provide to your audience. You can easily segment your customers and deliver targeted experience for each group starting from Name up to Personal Offer. The more you understand your users, the greater the potential for achieving higher clickthrough rates. Use Stories to maximize the benefits of your knowledge about your customer base.

Guide how to use the app

Once you start developing the app, you inevitably come across new ideas and features that you want to introduce to your audience. However, not every update leads to widespread adoption. By utilizing Stories, you can effortlessly create and deliver user walkthroughs, product tours, video guides, and other creative content to those customers who express the most interest.
Personalized onboarding
Personalized onboarding

Guide how to use the app

Once you start developing the app, you inevitably come across new ideas and features that you want to introduce to your audience. However, not every update leads to widespread adoption. By utilizing Stories, you can effortlessly create and deliver user walkthroughs, product tours, video guides, and other creative content to those customers who express the most interest.
Interactive onboarding

Collect insights about user preferences

As your audience grows bigger and bigger, you might need to understand how to improve your food delivery app. The most effective approach is to directly seek feedback from your users. Mobile app Stories offer a seamless way to transparently gather essential user insights through interactive widgets such as polls, votes, reactions, and feedback.
Interactive onboarding

Collect insights about user preferences

As your audience grows bigger and bigger, you might need to understand how to improve your food delivery app. The most effective approach is to directly seek feedback from your users. Mobile app Stories offer a seamless way to transparently gather essential user insights through interactive widgets such as polls, votes, reactions, and feedback.
Use Stories to deliver consistent, high-quality communication to app users throughout
their entire lifecycle

3 steps how to get started with Stories

Understand best practices
Schedule a call with InAppStory to learn more about Stories. Discover how various global food brands succeeded by embedding Stories into their communication strategies. Align these insights with your business goals and priorities

Get to know how InAppStory works

Our sales experts will guide you through the user-friendly interface of our console. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to create, edit, and publish diverse rich content in Stories. Once integrated, InAppStory offers a true no-code solution.

No commitment until you see the results

Choose only the features relevant to your business needs. Define the scope of the pilot and trial stage. We'll support you with our expertise and product knowledge. There's no financial obligation until you witness the real engagement of your customers with Stories.

3 steps how to get started with Stories

  • Understand best practices
    Schedule a call with InAppStory to learn more about Stories. Discover how various global food brands succeeded by embedding Stories into their communication strategies. Align these insights with your business goals and priorities
  • Get to know how InAppStory works
    Our sales experts will guide you through the user-friendly interface of our console. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to create, edit, and publish diverse rich content in Stories. Once integrated, InAppStory offers a true no-code solution.
  • No commitment until you see the results
    Choose only the features relevant to your business needs. Define the scope of the pilot and trial stage. We'll support you with our expertise and product knowledge. There's no financial obligation until you witness the real engagement of your customers with Stories.
People talking

Embrace new strategy to engage with your food app audience

Integrating Stories can strengthen your brand's position in a competitive market and help you stand out among your peers.