Personalize the expectations of your users

Engage users like never before. Meet their needs via an innovative mobile app personalization approach.

Personalize the expectations of your users

Engage users like never before. Meet their needs via an innovative mobile app personalization approach.

Why mobile app personalization via Stories?

of mobile users say they want personalized application content (in a study done by eMarketer)
by 20%
Mobile app personalization can boost the profit of digital businesses (Gartner reports)
by 25%
Personalized application content is capable of generating in-app purchases (according to Localytics)

Why mobile app personalization via Stories?

  • 45%
    of mobile users say they want personalized application content (in a study done by eMarketer)
  • by 20%
    Mobile app personalization can boost the profit of digital businesses (Gartner reports)
  • by 25%
    Personalized application content is capable of generating in-app purchases (according to Localytics)

Enable app personalization to drive sales

Customers are more likely to purchase or leave their contact information if offered an individual offer. Thus, by analyzing your consumers' data, you can deliver unique content via mobile app personalization Stories and actively engage your users to do specific actions.
Onboarding screens via Stories
Onboarding screens via Stories

Enable app personalization to drive sales

Customers are more likely to purchase or leave their contact information if offered an individual offer. Thus, by analyzing your consumers' data, you can deliver unique content via mobile app personalization Stories and actively engage your users to do specific actions.
Interactive onboarding

Retain and contain users via personalized application content

Statistically, around 75% of mobile users can abandon an application after just one day due to lack of engagement. InAppStory knows how to avoid it: be unique and create personalized content. Share data, review various insights or simply play with your consumers via in-app Stories mobile app personalization.
Interactive onboarding

Retain and contain users via personalized application content

Statistically, around 75% of mobile users can abandon an application after just one day due to lack of engagement. InAppStory knows how to avoid it: be unique and create personalized content. Share data, review various insights or simply play with your consumers via in-app Stories mobile app personalization.

Personalize your customer experience

Personalized application content provides a feeling of “customization” and human interaction with the company brand, subsequently increasing its loyalty. When you give people what they want, need, or like, they’ll engage with it. Simple as that.
Personalized onboarding
Personalized onboarding

Personalize your customer experience

Personalized application content provides a feeling of “customization” and human interaction with the company brand, subsequently increasing its loyalty. When you give people what they want, need, or like, they’ll engage with it. Simple as that.
Onboarding techniques or types of app onboarding

Set up
all types of personalized content
in two clicks
and zero code

Onboarding techniques or types of app onboarding

Set up all types of personolized content

in two clicks with our onboarding tool

How to start with Stories in three simple steps?

Request a personalized application demo
Have a quick call with us to observe and taste all capabilities of the mobile Stories console. Learn how to launch app personalization Stories directly to your app or a mobile web-based one. Get tips and suggestions on how to improve your primary product metrics.
Integrate SDK
Select a fitting plan depending on the MAU or DAU of your application. And simply integrate the SDK into your digital product! With a simple step like that, you are ready to start app personalization campaigns anytime now.
Launch your first Stories
Publish Stories carousel or use in-app Stories!

How to start with Stories in three simple steps?

  • Request a personalized application demo
    Have a quick call with us to observe and taste all capabilities of the mobile Stories console. Learn how to launch app personalization Stories directly to your app or a mobile web-based one. Get tips and suggestions on how to improve your primary product metrics.
  • Integrate SDK
    Select a fitting plan depending on the MAU or DAU of your application. And simply integrate the SDK into your digital product! With a simple step like that, you are ready to start app personalization campaigns anytime now.
  • Launch your first Stories
    Publish Stories carousel or use in-app Stories!
Here’s what our clients say on Stories in apps

Personalize your audience experience

High response and engagement rates are the №1 reason to use personalization content in an app Stories.