In-App Stories for Telecom: Boosting Engagement & Personalizing User Experience
Mobile Marketing

In-App Stories for Telecom: Boosting Engagement & Personalizing User Experience

In-App Stories for Telecom: Boosting Engagement & Personalizing User Experience
Polskii Mark
Author @ InAppStory

As the landscape of customer interaction changes, businesses, especially in the telecom sector, are continuously exploring innovative ways to captivate their audience and foster a strong relationship. One such innovative approach that has gained significant traction in recent times is the use of in-app stories.

In this article, we will delve deep into the significance of in-app stories for telecom companies, their potential use cases, strategies for implementation, personalization, and how to measure their effectiveness. Through this, telecom operators can harness the power of in-app stories to take their customer engagement to the next level.


Why In-App Stories Matter




The success of in-app stories is not just a fleeting trend but rather a reflection of a shift in user behavior and preferences. In an era where information overload is common, stories offer a concise and visually appealing format to consume content. Let's explore the importance of this tool for enhancing user engagement.


Statistics on user engagement through stories


In-app stories have shown tremendous potential when it comes to user engagement. Various studies and data suggest:

  • Users tend to spend 35% more time in apps that have incorporated story features as compared to those without.
  • There's an average increase of 20% in app opens when stories are regularly updated, indicating consistent engagement.
  • Conversion rates, whether for sign-ups, purchases, or other actionable metrics, see a boost of up to 15% when communicated through stories.
  • Such compelling numbers underscore the importance of in-app stories in driving user interaction and keeping them engaged.


Benefits like increased time spent in-app


Beyond just the metrics, the inherent benefits of in-app stories contribute to their significance:

  1. Bite-Sized Content: In a fast-paced world, users prefer quick, digestible pieces of information. Stories, with their concise format, cater perfectly to this need.
  2. Visual Appeal: The visual nature of stories, combined with dynamic elements like animations, make them more attractive and attention-grabbing.
  3. Timeliness: Stories often come with a sense of urgency, given their temporary nature. This prompts users to view them before they disappear, ensuring timely content consumption.
  4. Interactivity: Modern in-app stories allow for interactive elements, from polls to swipe-up links, making them not just a content-viewing tool but also an engagement platform.


Given these compelling reasons and benefits, it's evident why in-app stories have become an indispensable tool for companies, including those in the telecom sector, to engage with their customers.


Use Cases for Telecom


With the understanding of why in-app stories matter, let's delve into specific use cases where telecom companies can leverage this feature to optimize customer engagement and value proposition.


Highlighting new offers and promotions


Telecom companies frequently roll out new offers, discounts, and promotions. In-app stories can be a fantastic way to showcase these in a captivating manner. A brief, visually engaging story can highlight a new data pack, promotional offer, or a limited-time discount, ensuring customers are immediately informed and can act on it promptly.


Customer testimonials


In the age of digital communication, word-of-mouth remains a potent tool for building trust. Using in-app stories to share customer testimonials, success stories, or reviews can reinforce the credibility of the telecom provider. These authentic endorsements can play a pivotal role in influencing potential customers and retaining existing ones.


Explaining features of different service packages


With a multitude of service packages available, customers often find it challenging to discern the best fit for their needs. In-app stories can break down these packages, highlighting key features, benefits, and differentiators in a visually appealing and digestible format. This can simplify the decision-making process for users and promote better understanding of the services on offer.

In summary, these are just a few ways telecom companies can harness the potential of in-app stories. The flexible nature of stories means they can be tailored to suit a wide range of communication needs, making them a versatile tool for enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.


How Tele2 Leveraged InAppStory to Transform App Engagement


The Challenge


Tele2, a prominent telecommunications operator with a vast subscriber base, faced a predicament common to many in the industry. Despite a sizable user base, the majority of users engaged with their app for singular, transactional tasks, like checking their balance. With an extensive array of services - ranging from financial and content services to collaborations with other platforms and even their retail store - the primary challenge for Tele2 was heightening user engagement and showcasing the breadth of services they offered.


The Transformative Solution




Tele2 sought the expertise of InAppStory, a company at the forefront of mobile app engagement solutions. Together, they integrated the 'Stories' feature, a dynamic content format inspired by the success of social media stories. These weren't just any stories; they were meticulously designed to cater to diverse segments of Tele2's customer base:

  • User Onboarding: With visually compelling welcome stories, Tele2 ensured newcomers and existing users alike were informed about important updates, fostering a smooth user journey from the outset.
  • Regular Promotions: Recognizing the growing community of gamers, Tele2 unveiled stories highlighting tariff plans tailored for them, keeping this segment engaged and informed.
  • Expert Telecommunications Insights: Through stories, Tele2 educated its users, providing deep dives into the telecommunications world and cementing its reputation as an industry thought leader.
  • Fun and Entertainment: Beyond pure informational content, Tele2 integrated interactive elements like polls and quizzes into their stories, ensuring users were not just informed, but also entertained.


The integration of these multifaceted stories resulted in increased app visits, efficient cross-selling of Tele2 services, and enhanced user communication.


Future Endeavors


The success with Stories ignited Tele2's ambition. They ventured next into gamification, further underlining their commitment to innovating user engagement. To read the full case study, follow this link.


Personalization Strategies


In an era where customers are inundated with content, personalization stands out as a crucial differentiator. Tailoring in-app stories to cater to individual user preferences and behaviors can significantly enhance engagement and user satisfaction. Here are some strategies that telecom companies can employ:


Using data analytics for personalized stories


Data analytics can be a goldmine for personalization:

  • Behavior Analysis: By tracking user behavior within the app, telecom companies can discern patterns and preferences. For instance, if a user frequently checks international call rates, a story highlighting a new international calling package might be relevant.
  • Purchase History: Previous purchases can indicate user preferences. A user who recently upgraded their data package might be interested in a story about optimizing data usage or related add-on services.
  • Location-based Stories: Using location data, companies can push stories relevant to a user's geographical location, like local promotions or service updates.


Benefits of segmenting customer base


Segmentation is the act of dividing the customer base into distinct categories based on certain criteria, such as usage patterns, demographics, or purchase history. This can offer multiple benefits:

  • Targeted Content: By understanding the distinct needs of each segment, telecom companies can push stories that are most relevant to them. For example, heavy data users might be interested in stories about data-saving tips or high-speed data offers.
  • Increased Engagement: When users find content that resonates with their needs and preferences, they're more likely to engage with it. This can lead to higher open rates, increased time spent on stories, and more positive user feedback.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Instead of creating a broad spectrum of stories hoping to cater to everyone, segmentation allows for focused content creation, saving time and resources.




In the evolving landscape of customer engagement, telecom companies face the ever-present challenge of staying relevant and captivating to their audience. In-app stories have emerged as a potent tool in this endeavor, merging the appeal of visual storytelling with the immediacy of digital communication.


From highlighting new offers to personalizing content based on user behavior, in-app stories offer telecom companies a flexible and dynamic platform to connect with their users. Their bite-sized nature, combined with their visual appeal, resonates with the fast-paced lives of modern consumers, making them an ideal medium for conveying information and driving action.