Show off your brand through UGC

Build a strong bond between your brand and your app users. Let your clients share their experience within your app.

Why UGC content via Stories?

of consumers say that ads containing user-generated content are more memorable than branded content ads
of marketers agree that content created by consumers performed better than branded content
hours a day consumers spend with user-generated content

Why UGC content via Stories?

  • 31%
    of consumers say that ads containing user-generated content are more memorable than branded content ads
  • 93%
    of marketers agree that content created by consumers performed better than branded content
  • 5,4
    hours a day consumers spend with user-generated content

Enable UGC content to drive sales

User-generated content has become more powerful than ever before because users can provide their lens and personal touch through which we see things without bias from outside influences such as advertisers looking out only for themselves.
Onboarding screens via Stories
Onboarding screens via Stories

Enable UGC content to drive sales

User-generated content has become more powerful than ever before because users can provide their lens and personal touch through which we see things without bias from outside influences such as advertisers looking out only for themselves.
Interactive onboarding

Retain and attach users via UGC content

People enjoy viewing authentic content on brands’ social media channels and websites. And by seeing how great those experiences are, they tend to want to experience them independently.
Interactive onboarding

Retain and attach users via UGC content

People enjoy viewing authentic content on brands’ social media channels and websites. And by seeing how great those experiences are, they tend to want to experience them independently.

Personalize your customer experience

User Generated Content allows brands more immediate connection with their customers. User Generated Content provides an additional inspiration and a rewarding feeling. Plus, it offers many extra contents that brands can use.
Personalized onboarding
Personalized onboarding

Personalize your customer experience

User Generated Content allows brands more immediate connection with their customers. User Generated Content provides an additional inspiration and a rewarding feeling. Plus, it offers many extra contents that brands can use.
Onboarding techniques or types of app onboarding

Show off your brand through UGC content
Onboarding techniques or types of app onboarding

Show off your brand through UGC content

How to start with Stories in three simple steps?

Request a personalized application demo
Have a quick call with us to observe and taste all capabilities of the mobile Stories console. Learn how to launch UGC Stories directly to your app or a mobile web-based one. Get tips and suggestions on how to improve your primary product metrics.
Integrate SDK
Select a fitting plan depending on the MAU or DAU of your application. And simply integrate the SDK into your digital product! With a simple step like that, you are ready to start User Generated Content campaigns anytime now.
Launch your first Stories
Publish Stories carousel or use in-app Stories!

How to start with Stories in three simple steps?

  • Request a personalized application demo
    Have a quick call with us to observe and taste all capabilities of the mobile Stories console. Learn how to launch UGC Stories directly to your app or a mobile web-based one. Get tips and suggestions on how to improve your primary product metrics.
  • Integrate SDK
    Select a fitting plan depending on the MAU or DAU of your application. And simply integrate the SDK into your digital product! With a simple step like that, you are ready to start User Generated Content campaigns anytime now.
  • Launch your first Stories
    Publish Stories carousel or use in-app Stories!
Here’s what our clients say about Stories features!

Personalize your audience experience with the UGC content

High response and engagement rates are the №1 reason to use UGC content inside app Stories.