7 business podcasts to listen to on Spotify
If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, you are generally responsible for all administrative, web design, marketing, and sales activities, which means you must educate yourself in these areas.
Several of the following shows will assist you in a variety of ways, provide general business guidance, and provide beneficial insights. Others, on the other hand, will go into highly specialized subjects such as narrative or branding.
7 business podcasts to listen to on Spotify
Mobile Heroes Uncensored

Mobile marketing insight from user acquisition legends in a way you've never heard before. Featuring industry experts from Bumble, Sam's Club, Babbel, MoneyHub, Gameloft, Wooga, and Playstudios, among others! They spotlight the industry's best and brightest in their best, worst, and most amusing moments. The host plays games, gives away Bitcoin (maybe!), and has a nice time in general.
Mobile GameDev Playbook

By delving into the most fascinating games and gaming trends, they discover which elements make the next big mobile game possible! Each month, guest game makers join Jon Jordan and Joel Julkunen to bring a new and intriguing perspective to the broader gaming community.
Marketing Over Coffee

Marketing Over Coffee is a marketing podcast, offering on-demand audio on topics ranging from traditional to modern marketing. John J. Wall and Christopher S. Penn, your hosts, record the show weekly and post it on Thursday mornings. You can download the broadcasts and listen to them whenever and wherever is convenient for you — in your office, on your commute, or anywhere else. Each presentation lasts approximately 20 minutes and is jam-packed with the type of marketing insights and tricks that can only be obtained through informal chat outside of the office.
Creative Rebels

David Speed and Adam Brazier host Creative Rebels, a podcast for creatives. The show's mission is to empower the next generation of creatives by assisting them in monetizing their work.
There has never been a more advantageous time to profit from your actual interest. Nothing is impossible to create a business on, whether it's Morse code or chopsticks, as David and Adam are here to demonstrate. They invite extraordinary people with incredible tales about how they've made money from something that no one believed was monetizable.
The podcast's message is that your talent may earn you money, and hence one should not trade happiness for money.
The hosts are always joined on the show by a guest who discusses their path to achievement. As the story unfolds, the hosts and guests uncover the road that leads from identifying monetizable talent to identifying a specialized market and successfully developing a business.
The guests share their stories about the path to achievement, which is frequently littered with setbacks and detours. These entrepreneurial tales are both instructive and evocative.
Killing it

This series was chosen for its coverage of an essential but frequently overlooked subject: mental health in the entrepreneurial sector. We are often told to "kill it" at work in the eat-or-be-eaten startup culture. That implies never relinquishing the pursuit of our dreams and goals. This has resulted in the development of an "I'm OK, you're fine" culture that fosters tension, anxiety, and burnout.
This podcast cuts through the poisonous climate that pervades the startup sector and gets to the heart of often-hidden mental health issues. The series throws a spotlight on entrepreneurs who achieved success despite battling mental health issues. Each episode contains candid discussions and solutions for resolving these issues.
Everyone Hates Marketers

Everyone Hates Marketers is the only podcast for folks sick of marketing bullsh*t. It's reached 1M+ downloads with no adverts, in less than 4 years. Every week, Louis Grenier (who likes to talk in the third person) interviews guests or gives his own no-fluff, pragmatic marketing insights so you may stand out—without being sleazy.
Mobile Growth and Pancakes

Welcome to Mobile Growth & Pancakes, a podcast hosted by Esther Shatz for Storemaven. They examine how and why mobile applications grow. Each episode features a mobile growth specialist who deconstructs a specific mobile growth strategy: how it worked, why it worked, and what they would do differently in the future.