How to increase mobile conversion rate: 5 proven strategies
Mobile Marketing

How to increase mobile conversion rate: 5 proven strategies

How to increase mobile conversion rate: 5 proven strategies
Polskii Mark
Author at InAppStory

The mobile application market’s growth continues to grow, as there are almost 1.85 million different apps available for users to download in 2021. The conversion strategies that apply to the product and marketing concepts for mobile apps differ from the websites, as the behavior of users has changed. That’s a core reason why you should consider using the different methods for both platforms. However, what kind of strategies can you apply to increase the mobile conversion rate optimization? Before we dive head-on to the main dish, let’s start with the mobile conversion basics.


What is mobile conversion rate?


What is mobile conversion rate?
The definition of mobile conversion rate.


Mobile conversion rate is the metric that shows the results of your lead generation strategy for the mobile application. The main goal of a mobile conversion is to significantly increase the number of people who come as visitors to actual customers from mobile devices.

The conversion, in this case, may include:

  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Attending a webinar
  • Making a purchase
  • Or any other action that will bring users closer to the sales funnel

So basically, it is the user’s interaction with your ad, mobile purchase screen, or free product listing, which then takes an action that you've defined as valuable to your business (like purchasing a product) from a mobile phone.


How to calculate mobile conversion rate?


To calculate your mobile conversion rate, use the following formula:

Conversion rate = (Conversion / Total Visitors) * 100%


For example, if your app received 12,200 visitors in the last two months and 320 were able to convert, your conversion rate was approximately 2.6% for three months.


5 proven mobile conversion strategies


Mobile conversion rate strategies
5 working mobile conversion rate strategies


There are various essential factors that a business founder should consider when developing a mobile marketing strategy. Below we present the five most relevant, working, and simple techniques on how to increase mobile conversion rate. 


Engaging onboarding process


The first impression is everything, which also applies to the initial presentation of your mobile application. If you want the users to have a positive experience and convert much faster, you need to present your app accordingly.

Thus, you need to have a solid set of customer onboarding screens that will assist users in using your mobile app.

For example, if you are making an E-Learning mobile product, show how to use all of the essential features of your portals, clarify where the location is for tutorials, chats, tests, etc. Don’t be afraid to be bold with your customers and assume that they “already know” how to use similar apps. Make a unique approach by showing that you care about the experience you’re about to provide. That way, you can quickly increase the mobile conversion rate later on.


Mobile campaigns


The vast majority of mobile visitors have enormous potential to convert into consumers. In 2021, at least half of all Internet traffic for E-Commerce apps comes from mobile devices, including the web and mobile apps.

To stand out from such a vast and immersive competition, it might be a good idea to create an oriented campaign for your target audience with a promotion in it. And you don’t need to build a separate landing or a mobile app to launch a similar marketing method. You can easily create a campaign displayed on a mobile site or an existing marketing website while utilizing a different discount code and experiencing increased mobile conversion rates.


Mobile app Stories


One of the strategies currently booming and effectively working is the integration or even implementation of in-app Stories.


Since Instagram has done this feature, many other organizations and companies have expressed their interest in producing a content strategy. We’re going to tell you a piece of inside information and may stun you: if compared to simple banners and ads, the mobile app stories gain at least three times more than the regular conversion. Unbelievable, right?

Our team was also amazed when we saw this number, but we concluded after analyzing it. You see, every mobile user wants to consume information fast. He can’t process it for too long, as he gets either bored or confused with it. With the Stories feature, they can ingest all of the most important and recent information that an app has. It’s also an excellent approach to entertain your audience with other embedded content, such as games.


Simple and easy content layout


Trivial, yet a common occurrence may happen to practically any founder who developed an E-Commerce app or similar mobile app. 


A customer has looked through your mobile app store, gained a particular interest in something, and continues to browse your products. He landed on one of the product screens and scrutinized the product: well-written description, positive reviews, and good-quality photos. He’s ready to buy it. But once he tries to find the “Buy” button, he can’t seem to find it. Perhaps it is too small, or maybe down on the product page, which confuses and irritates them. So be careful, as 85% of mobile users do not forgive complex or incorrect mobile app layouts.


The content of your mobile app screen has to be easy to comprehend and simple to browse. Mobile users don’t appreciate complex and notorious features that can take more than 15 minutes of their time. And it’s just a small overview of how a single element of your content can impact the mobile conversion rate of your app.

Make your wireframe layout a reasonably easy one, place the elements of your screen in their corresponding places and write clear information about your product. That way, you will significantly increase the mobile conversion rate through intuitive mobile navigation. After all, it takes about 7 to 13 touches to a screen to become a converted mobile customer.


Product recommendations


On-page product recommendation is utilized by e-commerce companies that enhance the buying experience for the visitors.

Customers can quickly view relevant products without having to surf your app aimlessly. One of the best ways to do that is to suggest different products similar to what a customer is currently viewing or has purchased. So by incorporating the product recommendations section might help improve the customer experience and the mobile conversion rate.

Most of the mobile app design layouts set this particular section at the bottom of the mobile app screen. Since due to the wide variety of products, the user may want to simply scroll through multiple areas while remaining on the same app screen.


In conclusion


New ideas on how to improve conversion rates are discovered every day as market trends evolve. Try to implement the most suitable strategies for your business to get the best results. Remember, the main focus should be on-brand design, content simplicity, and the onboarding process. The latter can be applied later on, but we invite you for a free trial of mobile Stories and onboarding screens if you already want to try it out.