METRO's Digital Transformation Journey

Meet the Client

METRO a wholesale giant has successfully increased user activity by 52% and product puchase by 32%. How did they make?

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Before we begin explaining, let's define the main issue METRO had to address

Challenge Accepted

Uniform app design and user navigation difficulties led to low conversions and user engagement. Standing out was a challenge for METRO.

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METRO tackled it down and raised the aforementioned metrics with the help of Stories!

1. Revenue Boost

With the 'Product of the Day' in Stories, METRO creatied urgency and excitement that boosted conversions and revenue.

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2. Interactive Experiences

Stories have also provided interactive experiences whoch led to user engagement and app stickiness increase.

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3. Better Expertise

Through Stories, METRO positioned itself as a trusted culinary expert, enhancing user trust and long-term engagement.

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Business Results

As a result, users were highly engaged and spendt more time interacting with the app, exploring the Stories, and discovering new products!

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