Dodo "Tails" game supported animal house shelters

Where did the idea come from?

In 2022, the Dodo Pizza company devised a marketing campaign - "Comfort Zone". The supporting in-app game "Tails" was created to create a cozy space for existing customers and increase awareness for new ones.

What is the game concept?

“Tails” concept revolves around virtual animals that a user acquires and later on interacts with (e.g., feeding or playing).

How does the game work?

The mechanics resembles a Tamagotchi, with more varied actions. Together with the Dodo team, we added a store to buy furniture, and change the virtual room design, and other features.

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How much has DoDo donated to animal shelters?

As a result, Dodo collected $25,000 and sent it to the chosen animal shelter foundation.

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More about the new DoDo game... can find in our article. Click the button below to read it!

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