How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App?

Is your business ready to develop a digital product on its own? Maybe it’s time to think about SaaS integration.

Launch Cost

The main cost is investment in the team. Calculate the minimum resources needed and average market salary rates. For example, InAppStory spent $60K on an MVP and $380K+ a full stack solution. Plus the cost of the customer development, beta testing, product management etc.

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Maintenance Cost

The team would keep working on your product after the launch. After collecting real feedback from users comes a need to customize, invent or change some details. You’ll also need regular updates to keep customers engaged.

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Time Cost

The approximate period of the MVP custom development for Stories is 3-6 months. If you want to go to the market with a full stack solution, add one more year (or even two). The same goes for any other app development, not just Stories.

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Team Motivation

If a business already has one or two digital products, it’s most likely the team of engineers that need to support new apps or functionality are busy enough in other projects. So you should give them a proper motivation to combine main tasks with side projects.

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Is it possible to reduce app development costs?

SaaS solutions are cheaper and more likely to launch in a few days, so you can call it an easy option.

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Drawbacks of using SaaS solutions in app development

Saas solutions are updating and developing without direct control by your business. Sometimes it could be inconvenient to depend on third-party developers.

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