How to launch on Product Hunt and become the Product of the Day

What the InAppStory team did to successfully launch on PH: step-by-step guide everyone can use for their own purpose.

Do you need to launch on Product Hunt?

Before launching on PH we recommend you to spend a few weeks on the site. Just read comments, analyze site audiences and apps/services they prefer. It’s worth it If the audience matches your product.

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Draw attention as early as possible

For example, we made catchy video telling about our product and suggested PH to use our service for free — permanently. Video was released on Twitter with the mention of PH founder Ryan Hoover.

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Do networking

Because of the successful Twitter publication we made acquaintance with the PH team and founder — they’ve advised on how to better introduce our product at launch. We’ve also got 5 investment proposals.

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Find yourself a Hunter

If a Hunter with a big amount of followers supports you on the launch, your project will gain upvotes faster and will be on top from the start. It’s better to look for a Hunter as soon as possible and make an arrangement with him/her to secure yourself against unpleasant surprises.

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Register accounts of the whole team on PH

One month before the launch our team signed up on the site and made time for PH activities daily. The older and more active accounts are, the higher their value to the PH site. As a result we gained 30+ upvotes at the start.

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Invest in the ads

We provided a rather small amount of 100$ to make advertisements in Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Eventually one click with redirection on our PH page cost about 50 cents.

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To sum up

•‎ 1507 redirects to the InAppStory web site came from PH-launch; •‎ 67 new registrations on the site; •‎ 12 demo requests; •‎ 8 demo activations.

For further details about how launch on Product Hunt influenced InAppStory promotion check our article on VC.RU.

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